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Khipus are knotted-string devices that were used in the Inka Empire for communication and for recording information.

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Scapular Gallery Nomad, a piece of clothing, a habit is a space I have created where I can essentially curate upon my body. Just as I care for myself in this performance, I also care for the artists by curating their works in my body gallery.

Excerpted from Judy Freya Sibayan's Scapular Gallery Nomad: Beyond the Limits of the Center and Into One's Own

Scapular Gallery Nomad : “A Small Art Gallery Resting on my Shoulders”
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“But even in a business that profits off desperation, he never knew how desperate things could become...”

在地下經濟找根 <br>Looking for roots in the underground economy
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This project uses the friendship bracelet as a way to “re-weave” the academic canon.

Friendship bracelets are handmade macramé bracelets of embroidery thread, intended to be worn as a sign of lasting friendship. Bracelets have been woven with bibliographical references to important work of women in the field of knowledge-production.

丹丹娜•海海勒勒威是我們的「朋 友」<br>Donna Haraway is our “Friend”
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Area C, System D
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Müller, Gavin. “Piracy as Labour Struggle”, tripleC, Vol. 14, No. 1 (2016) pp. 333-345.

Piracy as Labour Struggle
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一位R.M.H.在The Public School平臺提議的“黑市:闖入/打破規則”工作坊。

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Monument to Work/Arbetets Monument was enacted in Bältespännarparken, in central Gothenburg.
Thursday 2015/28/5-Sunday 2015/31/5

Monument to Work
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The most magical innovation of the app economy is making the female workers it depends on mostly invisible.

the ladies vanish
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跳脱出传统的零售协议,这种独特的交换 形式对应着一种逐渐在世界各地开展的自 我组织实践。俚语“D体系”源自非洲的法语 区,从法语“足智多谋的人”演化而来,意 味着“变通”,描述在特殊情况下所需的随 机应变,尤指在不利的情况下。更具体一 些,“D体系”的支持者们绕开了主流的经济 结构,以自创或即兴的手段躲避政府管理 和税务。

Système D 體系
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If women around the world earned minimum wage for the unpaid work they do around the house and caring for relatives, they would have made $10.9 trillion last year.

— from an interactive op-ed piece on The New York Times for International Women's Day 2020

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The root word for emotion in classical Chinese, qing 情, is the same word for reality, situation, or circumstance. Thus in the same word the subjective and the objective are yoked together and the odd marriage has perdured into the present day, with ganqing 感情, aiqing 愛情, and qingxu 情緒 still cohabiting with qingkuang 情況, qingxing 情 形, and shiqing 事情.

The Spatiality of Emotion
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From the seventh issue of the online journal Women and Gender in China, LIU Ye’s interviews with male and female students contemplating entry into the job market. In particular, LIU observed a disconnect between the concerns that young women had relating to job opportunities, and how likely they felt it was that feminist groups could address these issues.

女權/女性 -主義與⼯工作市 場 <br>Feminism and the Job Market
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Highly complex and asymmetrical relationships between Europe and Latin America through the medium of Andean textiles

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In 2007, just before the global financial crisis hit, a group of Japanese housewives, the FX Beauties, were briefly mentioned in an article in The New York Times. Described as ‘amateur currency speculators’, these women were hitting their peak, representing thirty percent of all retail currencies traded out of Japan. Through their engagement with the Forex market, the FX Beauties were, and are, challenging the traditional roles of Japanese women.

(On the Floating World of) the FX Beauties
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In the city of Asyut, in the heart of Upper Egypt, Chinese migrants sell racy lingerie to locals and have a unique contribution to both the area's sustainability as well as gender ecology.


from “Learning to Speak Lingerie” by Peter HESSLER, The New Yorker

內衣⽅方⾔言 <br>A Lingerie Dialect
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“Garments Against Women is a book of mostly lyric prose about the conditions that make literature almost impossible.”

Garments Against Women
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From review of Ping ZHU's Gender and Subjectivities in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature and Culture by ZHENG Yi

总体地女性 <br>feminine at large
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Quotations from Deborah Cowen

Original text published by Verso, 25 January 2017.

帝國與抵抗的基础设施 <br>Infrastructures of Empire and Resistance
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Curated by Andria Hickey Toby Devan Lewis Gallery

Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland

27 January 2017 — 14 May 2017

Lisa Oppenheim: Spine
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Christian Dior: “Men have pockets to keep things in, women for decoration.“

⼝口袋的政治 <br>The Politics of Pockets
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Text by // Kerstin Stakemeier & Marina Vishmidt

ISBN ISBN paperback // 978-1-906496-99-9 Press publisher // Mute Books

Publication Date publication date // 2016 Nian 5 Yue

Issued by // Distributed the Anagram Books

《再⽣生⾃自治:勞動、⾦金金錢、 危機與當代藝術》<br>Reproducing Autonomy: Work, Money, Crisis and Contemporary Art
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In one room, Chinese women dressed in viridian robes reach through portals in order to massage Mexican woman working in a lettuce field in California. Meanwhile, at a rubber plantation in India, trees are tapped for their milky latex. A woman's abundant breasts and cheeks become pink when they are squeezed by compressing walls ;. “blush,” a powdery substance that references both a physical sensation and a makeup product, falls off The blush, lettuce, and rubber latex are all mixed together to create a magical object The. entire production is managed by Bunny Glamazon and Trixxter Bombshell, a Buddha-like woman on a turntable, who gives directions via telekinesis The final art object produced by this collaboration will never be physically present ;. it will ultimately be stored in an offshore safe. (“Squeeze”, Mika Rottenberg)

Emotional Architecture
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提花織也沒有什麼新的東西 I think there's nothing new about jacquard weaving [...]

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Madame X: An Absolute Ruler

Madame X: Eine Absolute Herrscherin
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Neimanis, Astrida “Hydrofeminism, Or On Becoming a Body of Water” in Undutiful Daughters: Mobilizing Future Concepts, Bodies and Subjectivities in Feminist Thought and Practice, eds. Henriette Gunkel, Chrysanthi Nigianni and Fanny Söderbäck. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), pp. 85-100.

The Hydrofemme: Or, On Becoming a Body of Water
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摘選於“外女性主義宣言”,我也希望有漢語,慢慢來。 Excerpts from the Xenofeminism manifesto

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Factory Complex
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查看全文:”The Fight Against Food Fraud“,《金融时报》2016年3約24日

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la perruqué
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[…] overflow the spatio-temporal context of the exhibition by involving 共同物品 communal objects that evolve over time.

Good luck with your natural, combined, attractive and truthful attempts in two exhibitions
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Labour. Capital. Institution: A Forum on Feminisms

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Blame or credit the feminists for communism?

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Excerpts from The Birth of Chinese Feminism, including translations of texts by 何殷震 HE Yinzhen, 梁启超 LIANG Qichao, and 金天翮 JIN Tianhe

The Birth of Chinese Feminism
乜嘢鋪 We’re Open