Edited by 瞿畅 QU Chang from a chapter of her as-of-yet unfinished thesis “Feels a Lot Like Love: Love'in(g) Post-Reform China“.

男女主義 significant Others
Edited by 瞿畅 QU Chang from a chapter of her as-of-yet unfinished thesis “Feels a Lot Like Love: Love'in(g) Post-Reform China“.
Notes for stepping into circulations with ultra-dependency.
The translated artist reproduction of A Better Life for the Workers (I), first published by the now defunct (guess why?) Hong Kong NGO Workers' Empowerment, cannot really be purchased here, but read this first, or learn more and buy from the Display Distribute distro.
This is part of the shift from artist as singular producer to critical making as networked assemblage, as nodes in a longer process of composing.
Notes taken while on residency with Amy Suo WU at Motel Spatie; Arnhem Presikhaaf 2020 January-February
Starbucks honours histories of migrant female labour with cuddly bears. Interesting, or total BS?
Product courtesy of Stevphen SHUKAITIS
From Migrants Pride 2018; Chater Road, Hong Kong, 17 November
Tech apron
Originally published in Kaifong Stories (2015), republished on Medium.com with minor edits by LEE Chunfung to commemorate the passing of SZETO Siu-Mei (1935-2020).
Kana shodo (translating as 'woman's hand') is a Japanese script parallel to 女書 nvshu but native to Japan.
A notepad is collaboratively administered by Elaine W. Ho, Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga and Isabelle Sully, hosted on the server of disroot.org.
Non-linear references in preparation for 『CATALOGUE』No. 3, a publication project by Display Distribute, co-edited with Kunci and Read-in and commissioned by Seoul Mediacity Biennale 2018.
Recorded on April 19th, 2017.
The South China Morning Post posted two unrelated articles in their China Society section on the 7th of June, 2017, both unusual tales […]
“Tactics and Poetics of Invisibility”
Both money and time are ⚖︎ ♥︎ ♒︎ „spent” ☕︎ ☔︎ ✍︎ . To spend is the blossoming of the bouquet on its way towards death. Transactions „flower” and search for other values.
In a myth spun from the synthetic threads of the global supply chain, ZARA is a multi-headed hydra regurgitated from the dregs of fast fashion spectacle. Between the aporias of seamless production and logistical space she finds new positions from which to contest the neocolonial frontiers of substance and thought.
A a RADIO the ACTIVE – SINK and the SWIM Eleonore Project 2016 Summer Residency
Operetta Radio, Variety Show and the with the FM Broadcast Audio Symposium and NetStreams ON Radio FRO (Linz) and Radio Helsinki (Graz)
3-5 August 2016, 00: 00-01: 30 nightly
Grannies say: WATCH US RAGE!
Raging Grannies strive: