Edited by 瞿畅 QU Chang from a chapter of her as-of-yet unfinished thesis “Feels a Lot Like Love: Love'in(g) Post-Reform China“.

日常革命 the Dailies
Edited by 瞿畅 QU Chang from a chapter of her as-of-yet unfinished thesis “Feels a Lot Like Love: Love'in(g) Post-Reform China“.
The translated artist reproduction of A Better Life for the Workers (I), first published by the now defunct (guess why?) Hong Kong NGO Workers' Empowerment, cannot really be purchased here, but read this first, or learn more and buy from the Display Distribute distro.
The many-pocketed apron dress, 2008-2013
Notes taken while on residency with Amy Suo WU at Motel Spatie; Arnhem Presikhaaf 2020 January-February
We attempted to put what was urgent into practice, the act of care, friendship, rest and solidarity […]
In 2015, the Zijin Aunties ‘Running Leg’ Unit was briefly introduced via the online shopping platform Taobao before it was shut down due to inactivity. They might return in app form soon.
“Circulation is not a result of keeping the work moving but because we move with and against it.”
梁芝蘭《東西在循環》,原文由Open File 出版,2012年,英國,http://openfile.org.uk/archive/gil-leung-things-are-circulating/。
Konbini apron
A logistical endurance experiment by Elaine W. HO in the summer of 2016.
Painting apron
“Talk” apron
Originally published in Kaifong Stories (2015), republished on Medium.com with minor edits by LEE Chunfung to commemorate the passing of SZETO Siu-Mei (1935-2020).
A notepad is collaboratively administered by Elaine W. Ho, Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga and Isabelle Sully, hosted on the server of disroot.org.
Non-linear references in preparation for 『CATALOGUE』No. 3, a publication project by Display Distribute, co-edited with Kunci and Read-in and commissioned by Seoul Mediacity Biennale 2018.
The South China Morning Post posted two unrelated articles in their China Society section on the 7th of June, 2017, both unusual tales […]
“Tactics and Poetics of Invisibility”
Both money and time are ⚖︎ ♥︎ ♒︎ „spent” ☕︎ ☔︎ ✍︎ . To spend is the blossoming of the bouquet on its way towards death. Transactions „flower” and search for other values.
F fashion is not only a kind of appearance or, an inner, popular may not be suitable for you, but according to their own characteristics to dress up yourself, you belong to that kind, mature, lady, or simple and natural, or pure, or movement, a fact that can all be fashionable.
“The Shanzhai Lyric” by Ming LIN and Alexandra TATARSKY originally published in The New Inquiry, 2015.