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一位R.M.H.在The Public School平臺提議的“黑市:闖入/打破規則”工作坊。
一位R.M.H.在The Public School平臺提議的“黑市:闖入/打破規則”工作坊。我們沒法參加的情況下做個筆記來自學:
In the administrative structures of building codes, planning codes, and the systems of laws and policies governing property ownership, housing distribution, etc. urban space is literally “coded” into existence. Cities are however layered with many other sets of formal and informal codes, programs and languages that script, choreograph and mediate the social relations of urban life, and the way that urban space is produced and value is produced in it. As much as the practice of Architecture involves producing objects and images, it also can be framed in terms of the code writing, scripting and choreography that operates within the semiotic structures of the city.
In forms including instructions, rules to games, and ‘recipes,’ explicitly articulated scripts became a central element of performance art in the 1960s. From there, script writing was taken up by architects and others involved with radical experiments in spatial practice and built environments and would inform an array of handbooks, guidebooks, cookbooks and catalogs that communicated instructions and practical information aimed at enabling readers to do new things or live in new ways. These kind of publications are iconic hallmark utopian projects seeking to leave the city and inscribe new forms of community, but they would also play an important roll in radical urban movements synthesizing spatial and political practice.
This workshop will consider the form of the “squatters’ handbook” as it has appeared in different iterations in contexts from Amsterdam to London to New York City. These handbooks, or guides will be used to frame a discussion of the relationships between publishing and media production practice, building and material intervention in the city, and articulations of politics and political practice in urban space. 我們會用《Squatters'指南》
來討論出版與媒體製作實踐、建築與城市物質介入和政治與城市空間 的政治實踐的關係。 This discussion will consider the possibilities of imagining radical modes of architectural practice that writes into, rewrites, or hacks the various code system that create and organize the city. 這次討 論將設想激進建築實踐的可能性,來重寫和侵入各種組織城市的編碼 體系。
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