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一 個 肉 體 閱 讀 空 間
亞洲區內及周邊運營的小規模出版社向來限制繁多且資源匱乏,要在海內外發行書刊每每困難重重。為了令這些刊物流通更廣,展銷場開展了「後勤」 項目——一條依靠自願配送“慢遞”信使們隨身將少量出版物由一個發行點帶到另一 發行點的全新網絡。
「後勤」意在參與並擴展有關晚期資本主義網絡化 中種種全球範圍內被啟用、被肢解之交換形式的廣泛討論。一系列的活動以及各種靈活的閱讀與寫作形式,均可在不同城市的眾多承辦機構如書店、獨立藝術空間和 書市等一一呈現出來。項目開展時取材自多名 「後勤」積極參與者所貢獻的一系列刊物與盜版翻印本,利用一个“肉體”的書籍展 示形式和通過表述式的招募計劃,在上海的BANK畫廊首度亮相。2016年夏季,來自世界各大洲的信使們將各自攜帶其出版物移師倫敦與上海,準備分別介入 Gasworks藝術機構和上海二十一世紀民生美術館的活動。
「後勤」項目網絡的其他參與方還包括《流泥》雜誌 (北京)、AJAR Press (河內)、活化廳 (香港)、《街報》(吉隆坡)、李子傑 (武漢/上海)、Modes Vu (深圳)、No Lady Swears (東京)、Spring工作室 (香港)、《工人》雜誌(首爾)等。「展銷場」集“商店”和“展覽空間”作為分銷與全球化研究的載體,可謂香港市中九龍區的奇葩。
Small publishers working in and around Asia face difficulties in distributing their stock both domestically and abroad due to restrictions and lack of resources. To facilitate the wider circulation of these publications and periodicals, Dispay Distribute initiates LIGHT LOGISTICS, a new network relying on the surplus carrying power of willing couriers who are invited to transport small amounts of goods from one point of distribution to another.
LIGHT LOGISTICS is part of a wider discussion of globally enabled and dismantled forms of exchange amidst a late-capitalist networked production. A series of events and other flexible forms of reading and writing will unfold in different cities at various hosting institutions—bookshops, artist-run spaces and book fairs. Beginning with a series of dedicated volumes and pirated ephemera dedicated by various LIGHT LOGISTICS contributors, the project debuted at BANK in Shanghai in the form of a corporeal book display and performative recruitment scheme. Couriers crossing the continent in the summer of 2016 will gather publications for the next interventions at Gasworks in London and the abc/F art book fair at Minsheng 21st Century Art Museum in Shanghai.
Other participants in the LIGHT LOGISTICS network include Concrete Flux (Beijing), AJAR Press (Hanoi), WooferTen (Hong Kong), Street Voice (Kuala Lumpur), June Lee (Wuhan/Shanghai), Modes Vu (Shenzhen), No Lady Swears (Tokyo), Spring Workshop (Hong Kong) and WORKERS magazine (Seoul), among others.
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