廣告 ADS

One-Person Slow Courier Company
A logistical endurance experiment by Elaine W. HO in the summer of 2016.
在城市景觀上,這些線條按各種密度和節奏不斷地重複,像新唯心論從資本的裂縫中冒出來。通過閱讀這些物質框架和它們之間的物質交換,我們將物流理解為一個依賴卻又超越了物質性經濟的操作系統。在動作、行動和交易的痕跡上顯露出了一幅複雜難懂的地圖。我們被無意拍進了別人自拍的背景,快遞人員快速地整理一堆包裹和急件、老爺爺帶著孫女出來溜達一邊偷偷抽煙、慢慢下降的鐵道攔路桿和高音警鈴引起的時代錯誤感、地鐵站外面休閒散步的大叔暢快地放屁⋯⋯這樣一個個時刻不斷地重複,在邏輯上連結彼此形成城市裡的線條,連結到某種無必要和無效的勞動。它們通過勞動霸權下的轉變實踐(la perruqué)方能被實現。此實踐相切於A點到B點之間區分的灰色地帶——是時間和無機與信仰體系和疆界外之物衝撞的地方。媒體理論家Geert Lovink如此描述這種組成:“仔細觀察當下的日常生活本身即是對意識形態的研習”。
「一人慢遞公司」是頑固堅持遵守市場交易的荒謬結果。也許它是一门好生意,可是它又無效、尴尬且違反市場邏輯。然而最重要的是,那段時光是我們在上海度過的最為開心的日子。「一人慢遞公司」試圖排除經濟利益來考量文化適應的議題。在這裡,自我剝削成為一種和他人關係的愉悅形式,而這被Stefano Harney稱為“闡述原則”。
Within the unfinished logistical labyrinth that is an on-going proposal for an alternative relation to our labour, one member of the LIGHT LOGISTICS courier network embarks on a rigorous training week in the city of Shanghai.
While the initial framework of LIGHT LOGISTICS was speculated for the international passage of publications across borders, the promise of free, person-to-person delivery was not to be denied for domestic readers, and we were—in the span of a yes, no problem—thrust into a serious psychogeographic journey spanning the wide middle ranges of Pudong to the deep, shrub-lined driveways of Songjiang.
This is how it goes: pharmacy, roasted meats shop, hair salon, tobacco shop, supermarket, steamed buns seller, computer and digital accessories store, children’s clothing store, restaurant, tea shop, [REPEAT] …
These latitudes repeat endlessly with greater or lesser density, and their embeddedness into the urban landscape reads like new spiritualisms hidden within the fissures of capital. If we filter our reading through these material architectures and the material exchanges that pass between them, the logistics implicated is like our OS, an assemblage in distinct heteronomy with, yet surpassing materiality and economy. It is a live map of an intricate and stuttering mode of communication revealed only by the palimpsests of movement, action and transaction. It happens via the selfie shot you unwittingly get captured into the background of, the piles of boxes being hastily arranged by real uniformed couriers, the grandpa sneaking a cigarette while taking his grandchild out for a walk, the anachronism of a lowered gate and warning bells for a passing train, the gas let out in between that man’s leisurely strut outside the metro station—these traces also repeat in endless configuration, and they are no more greatly felt than during the delegated moves of an unnecessary and unproductive labour. This is because they are only realised amidst the perruqué tangential to the totalising occupation of ‘real’ labour—distractions between getting from point A to point B in the grey zones where the minute and the mineral collide with belief systems and the extraterritorial. As media theorist Geert Lovink describes of such inhabitation: “To study ideology is to take a close look at this everyday life, here and now.“
The one-person courier company experiment was an absurd result of the stubborn insistence to abide by a deal. Maybe it is a kind of good business, but it is one that is inefficient, awkward, against market logic, and beyond all else, the only time we have truly enjoyed the Shanghai relay. The One-Person Slow Courier Company would like to consider acculturations outside of the economies of profit, where self-exploitation becomes a pleasurable form of relation to another in exploration of what Stefano Harney calls a “principle of elaboration”.
So this is how it goes: organising stock, making phone calls, drawing maps, plotting routes, borrowing wheels, wrapping goods, small exchanges in public places, [REPEAT] …
LIGHT LOGISTICS would like to thank all of the publishers, new supporters and friends below, with special props to Jerome ARAKI and MONAMOWSKI as well as Shaw XU for lending his little turtle electric scooter.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年8月22日,16:46
路線 ROUTE // 徐匯區上海圖書館-楊浦區江浦路地鐵站 Xuhui District, Shanghai Library Station – Yangpu District, Jiangpu Road Station
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 電動車 electric scooter
距離 DISTANCE // 12.2 km
內容 CONTENTS // 《馮火 Fong Fo》(issues 1-40期)
Although Mr. MA had not heard of Fong Fo before, he was lucky enough to claim the last printed full set of issues 1-40 (March 2013-June 2016). In the excitement of making the first delivery, the wrong amount of change is given, but Mr. MA is too polite to say anything. Inadvertent 4 kuai tip for LIGHT LOGISTICS.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年8月22日,17:19
路線 ROUTE // 楊浦區江浦路地鐵站-楊浦區延吉中路/靖宇東路 Yangpu District, Jiangpu Road Station – Yangpu District, Yanji Middle Road/Jingyu East Road
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 電動車 electric scooter
距離 DISTANCE // 3.8 km
內容 CONTENTS // 《A Fictional Residency》(x 1本)、《七首诗和一些耳鸣 7 Poems and Some Tinnitus》(x 1本)
慢件HQL-121的遞送員東東翻了一下Spring工作室出版的《A Fictional Residency》就愛上了這句:“我有一個感覺,一旦有人摸我,我便會爆炸成萬千碎片”。在完成「後勤」的派送任務後,東東搭乘遞送員順風車回了家。
Former dispatch HQL-121 courier Dong Dong had flipped through Spring Workshop’s publication A Fictional Residency and fallen in love with the sentence, “… I felt very electric. I had the sensation that I would explode in a thousand pieces whenever somebody touched me.” Her delivery of literature and poetry is completed by hitching a LIGHT LOGISTICS ride from the handover point further down the street back to her flat.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年8月23日,17:19
路線 ROUTE // 徐匯區上海圖書館-靜安區長樂路/常熟路 Xuhui District, Shanghai Library Station – Jingan District, Changle Road near Changshu Road
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 電動車 electric scooter
距離 DISTANCE // 1.4 km
內容 CONTENTS // 《藝術行動者駐場計畫 AAiR 2011-2012》(x 1本)、《活化廳駐場計畫II:社區-藝術-行動 AAiR II:Art-Community-Activism》(x 1本)
Making a full turn around the block on a street that you’re otherwise very familiar with from other times in your life.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年8月23日,17:47
路線 ROUTE // 靜安區長樂路/常熟路 – 長寧區民生現代美術館 Jingan District, Changle Road near Changshu Road – Changning District, Minsheng Art Museum
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 電動車 electric scooter
距離 DISTANCE // 3.8 km
內容 CONTENTS // 《STRIKE!》(issue 第7期 x 1本、issue 第9期 x 1本)
A young creative labourer by the name of “les Fauves” spends her 9-7 in Shanghai’s Red Town, the former compound of the Shanghai No. 10 Steel Factory and one of the earlier creative districts to emerge in the city. She works for the Minsheng Art Museum located at building F and is interested in grassroots resistance, anti-oppression politics, and the philosophies surrounding these movements.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年8月23日,18:46
路線 ROUTE // 徐匯區上海圖書館-靜安區武定路/西康路 Xuhui District, Shanghai Library Station – Jingan District, Wuding Road/Xikang Road
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 電動車 electric scooter
距離 DISTANCE // 12.2 km
內容 CONTENTS // 《STRIKE!》(issue 第14期 x 1本)
Sasa was casually dressed at home, and the combination intimacy of opening a door into one’s kitchen, her shy demeanor and what looked like a person flashing past in a shower cap in the background made it hard to look her in the eyes.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年8月24日,18:23
路線 ROUTE // 徐匯區上海圖書館-徐匯區福興西路49弄 Xuhui District, Shanghai Library Station – Xuhui District, Fuxing West Road 49 Nong
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 步行 foot
距離 DISTANCE // 440 m
內容 CONTENTS // 《23个弹性结构/惟一的真迹 23 Formes en Élastique/The Only Authentic Work》(x 1本)、《七首诗和耳鸣 7 Poems and Some Tinnitus》(x 1本)、《活化廳駐場計畫II:社區-藝術-行動 AAiR II:Art-Community-Activism》(x 1本)
Vivi and her boyfriend live nearby to the Display Distribute summer dispatch point at Shanghai Library metro station, but a missed appointment diverts delivery the next day to the office where she works as a freelance copyeditor, even closer.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年8月24日,18:45
路線 ROUTE // 徐匯區福興西路49弄-徐匯區五原路/烏魯木齊中路和常熟路之間 Xuhui District, Fuxing West Road 49 Nong – Wuyuan Road between Urumqi and Changshu Roads
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 步行 foot
距離 DISTANCE // 520 m
內容 CONTENTS // 《SHEamless》(Never Stop Issue x 1本)
Mr. WU mysteriously works at number 88 in a housing community that is listed as only having house numbers 1-34. The LIGHT LOGISTICS courier fails to find it, so Mr. Wu comes out to the front gate and invites her to coffee for the valiant effort.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年8月25日,14:48
路線 ROUTE // 徐匯區上海圖書館-松江區月亮河碧園小區 Xuhui District, Shanghai Library – Songjiang District Moon River Biyuan Villa
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 地鐵與公共汽車 subway (12 RMB return) and bus (4 RMB total)
距離 DISTANCE // 40.9 km
內容 CONTENTS // 《馮火 Fong Fo》(1-41期,缺第14、16、30、31、35、36期)
This first-time tour of Songjiang District is backdropped by the wide skies of Chinese suburbia, including the spectacle of passing the Guangfulin archaeological site and relics park. After getting off the bus too early and waiting for a second bus, it is discovered that Songjiang buses cost an economical 1 yuan compared to 2 yuan in the city, and the leisurely stroll inside the Biyuan Villa compound is ironically noted via WeChat messages as coinciding with friends’ stroll through Bishan village (same 碧) in Anhui Province. When meeting Ms. Li, arrangements are made to have the missing copies of the full set of Fong Fo sent directly from the editors to her university address in Guangzhou.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年8月25日,18:00
路線 ROUTE // 徐匯區上海圖書館-普陀區M50創意園6號樓 Xuhui District, Shanghai Library – Putuo District, M50 Creative Park, Building 6
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 電動車 scooter
距離 DISTANCE // 5.7 km
內容 CONTENTS // 《毁烬蓝图 Burned Blue Print》(x 1本)
Ms. XIE is a writer and creative director based at the Undefine M50 space, and her meeting with our LIGHT LOGISTICS courier opens a notch on the expanded friends network, as it turns out she is a colleague of graphic designer LU Rui, friend and participant in the 2015 Display Distribute project Parallel Trade.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年8月26日,12:03
路線 ROUTE // 徐匯區上海圖書館-徐匯區漕溪北路近上海體育館 Xuhui District, Shanghai Library – Xuhui District, Caoxi North Road near Shanghai Indoor Stadium
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 電動車 scooter
距離 DISTANCE // 3.3 km
內容 CONTENTS // 《七首诗和一些耳鸣 7 Poems and Some Tinnitus》(x 1本)、《End Note(s)》(x 1本)
江小姐去年從英國皇家藝術學院服裝設計系畢業,現正準備她的獨立品牌Bachelor Manner的首個系列。快件HQL-134被派送到她位於高層住宅樓19層的工作室,這幢樓位於徐家匯百腦匯與眼鏡城往南一點。「後勤」信使坐下來跟她交流了一會兒,話題包括行業秘密、年輕人工作的不穩定性和上海的時尚環境。
Ms. JIANG graduated last year from Royal College of Art in the UK and is now embarking on her first collection under the label Bachelor Manner. Dispatch HQL-134 is delivered to her studio, housed on the 19th floor of a residential high-rise just south of the Xujiahui computer & electronics area and eyeglasses city. An extended chat with the LIGHT LOGISTICS courier covers topics such as trade secrets, the precarity of labour for young people and the fashion environment in Shanghai.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年8月26日,17:04
路線 ROUTE // 徐匯區上海圖書館-浦东新區科苑路蔡伦路 Xuhui District, Shanghai Library – Pudong New District, Keyuan Road/Cailun Road
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 地鐵和步行 metro and by foot
距離 DISTANCE // 20.2 km
內容 CONTENTS // 《藝術行動者駐場計畫 AAiR 2011-2012》(x 1本)、《社會主義手冊 The Socialism Guidebook》(x 1本)
Miss YIP is a Guangdong native currently studying in Shanghai, and her interest in design and social practice is fronted by a street corner conversation with a publication courier on the limited possibilities of independent practice as a young graduate. After finishing her term, she is now considering to work for Display Distribute, maybe later going to Japan.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年8月30日,15:12
路線 ROUTE // 徐匯區上海圖書館-徐匯區烏魯木齊中路,五原路/復興西路之間 Xuhui District, Shanghai Library – Xuhui District, Urumqi Road between Wuyuan/Fuxing West Roads
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 步行 foot
距離 DISTANCE // 370 m
內容 CONTENTS // 《馮火 Fong Fo》(issue 第41期 x 1本)、《青少年異度空間營造手冊 Handbook for Youth: How to Build a Heterotopia》(x 1本)
An afternoon date with Mr. NG, editor of LOST magazine, becomes an in-depth exchange on the ins-and-outs of survival in independent publishing, extending into a WeChat and e-mail multi-channel bulleting of links to follow, dates to remember.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年8月30日,16:05
路線 ROUTE // 徐匯區上海圖書館-洋浦區外灘美術館 Xuhui District, Shanghai Library – Yangpu District, Rockbund Art Museum
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 電動車 scooter
距離 DISTANCE // 6.5 km
內容 CONTENTS // 《Artist at Work》(x 1本)、《10年北歐藝術節開放工作營2010 NO+CH Open Studio Camp》(x 1本)、《真的露宿者空間使用指南書 The Real Guide for Street Sleepers: How to Use Space》(x 1本)、《STRIKE!》(issue 第8期 x 1本、issue 第13期x 1本)、《穿 wear》(issue 第1期 x 1本、issue 第3期x 1本)、Swedish Dance History(x 1本)、《End Note(s)》(x 1本)、《發展的怪獸 The Monster of Development》(x 1本)、《活化廳駐場計畫II:社區-藝術-行動 AAiR II:Art-Community-Activism》(x 1本)、[Poster Dwelling; Land, Market and Economy](x 1本)、《No Order》(issue 第1期 x 1本)、《馮火 Fong Fo》(issue 第41期 x 1本)
蘇小姐剛開始在外灘美術館工作沒多久。慢遞人員到達後給她打電話,她就從美術館活動準備中跑出來,穿得很優雅卻慌慌張張的。給她派送的包很大指明了她的興趣很廣,遠遠逾越出美術館白盒子的範圍。她也邀請了慢遞員踏進白盒子來參觀即將開幕的Felix Gonzalez-Torres回顧展。
Miss SU just started working at Rockbund Art Museum, and she comes out from the exhibition space to greet her LIGHT LOGISTICS courier, elegantly dressed yet in a slight flurry amidst the Museum’s preparations for an upcoming event. During the short exchange, she received a large package of publications indicating broad interests extending far beyond the white cube, but she invites her courier to step inside it as well for Rockbund’s upcoming retrospective of the work of Felix Gonzalez-Torres.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年9月3日,17:21
路線 ROUTE // 徐匯區上海圖書館-徐匯區橫山路/天平路 Xuhui District, Shanghai Library – Xuhui District, Hengshan Road/Tianping Road
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 步行 foot
距離 DISTANCE // 1.9 km
內容 CONTENTS // 《真的露宿者空間使用指南書 The Real Guide for Street Sleepers: How to Use Space》(x 1本)、《當季球根栽培法 How to Grow Flower Bulbs Today》(x 1本)
The unresolved extraterritorial dispatch of Hangzhou-based Ms. QING is aided by the G20 security onslaught in her city. Along with the city on total virtual lock-down from unsightly traffic, terrorists and incoming/outgoing post, a holiday is imposed upon offices during the week-long meeting of global economic badasses. Such encouragement to clear the city sends Ms. QING down to Shanghai, so she is very conveniently able to make most of the 168.9 km journey for HQL-140 herself. The remaining 1.9 km from the Display Distribute summer dispatch station to the Hengshan Road and Tianping Road handover point is covered by our LIGHT LOGISTICS courier, who cools off after a sweaty, running late walk with an iced coffee and chat about technology, logistics and the start-up with Ms. QING.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年9月4日,22:03
路線 ROUTE // 徐匯區上海圖書館-浦東新區証大喜瑪拉雅艺术中心-楊浦區定海港路252號 Xuhui District, Shanghai Library – Pudong District, Shanghai Himalayas Museum – Yangpu District, Dinghai Qiao Mutual Aid Society
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 出租車 taxi
距離 DISTANCE // 25.6 km
內容 CONTENTS // 《穿 wear》(issue 第1期 x 1本、issue 第2期 x 1本)
Previous logistical engagements mean that weighty dispatch HQL-141, including the infamous 1 kg publication from Beijing artist-run space HomeShop, must be routed through Pudong before entering the old industrial neighbourhood of Yangpu. Thankfully, the dark alleys of Dinghaiqiao are suddenly lit up with tang yuan and other Guangdong dessert delights especially stewed by researcher Ms. DENG, who has ordered the HomeShop journal wear to read the essay from her PhD advisor Jeroen de KLOET.
日期 DATE & TIME // 2016年9月9日,22:59
路線 ROUTE // 徐匯區上海圖書館-靜安區武定路近膠州路 Xuhui District, Shanghai Library – Jingan District, Wuding Road near Jiaozhou Road
交通方式 METHOD of TRANSPORT // 電動車 scooter
距離 DISTANCE // 3.6 km
內容 CONTENTS // 《附錄 Appendix》(x 1本)、《山寨 Copycat》(x 1本)、《早安晚安 good day good night》(x 1本)、《寧息 Stationary》 (x 1本)、《A Fictional Residency》(x 1本)
After being delayed for some time, dispatch HQL-146 makes it to Sissi LI just in time for the goodbye drinks toasted in her honour at a bar in Jingan District. Ms. LI, a Dalian native, finished her degree earlier this year in Nancy and spent several months in Shanghai participating in a postgraduate exchange programme which offers the unique opportunity for young French practitioners to work in China. This late night delivery must have clouded LIGHT LOGISTICS over, however, and Sissi points out that her dispatch is incomplete, missing several of the books she requested. The remainder will have to be re-routed to Lyon where she currently resides.
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